How to Homeschool Your Kids Without Giving Up Your Life

How to Homeschool Your Kids Without Giving Up Your Life
I receive messages almost daily about how to homeschool — it’s a brand new concept to many parents right now and they’re feeling overwhelmed. (Am I talking to you?) I’ve been homeschooling my kids for over 9 years now, and what I want you to know first of all is that you CAN homeschool without giving up your life!

Here’s the main thing to remember: your home school does not have to look like a traditional school classroom. In fact, I’d venture to say it SHOULDN’T look like a school classroom! Trying to recreate school at home will only produce the stress of comparison and feelings of frustration. I’ve been there, done that, and I’ll never do it again!

The beauty of homeschooling is that it can happen anywhere, anytime, anyhow. You as the parent can decide what it will look like, and there’s no reason it needs to be an 8-hour daily production.

Many parents go into their homeschool journey thinking that if they don’t get through all the books, check all the boxes, and take all the tests, then they’re a failure or they’re not cut out for homeschooling. That idea couldn’t be farther from the truth!

If you want to spend the day reading some poetry together, baking some cookies, and then going to a park... do it! If you need to get some work done, so you give your kids a few hours for imaginative play, do it! If you thrive on schedules and you want to follow the same school work pattern every day to keep your sanity, do it!

You’re the parent and your children belong to you. You might have been conditioned to think otherwise, but you must reclaim that truth about yourself — you know what’s best for your child! They will learn truth, goodness, beauty, and practical skills just by living life alongside you. 

Over and over again, this is what I hear from experienced moms who have gone before me: focus on the main things. Don’t get wrapped up in what you’re “supposed” to be doing according to meaningless societal constructs. Don’t worry about what your neighbors or your opinionated relatives think. Don’t stress over finding and executing the perfect curriculum.

These mothers tell me to focus on RELATIONSHIPS, to live life with my children, to help them preserve their wonder and curiosity, to do each day’s work with an earnest attitude. Know that you as the parent are the very best person to help your child on their learning journey. Own it. Believe it! You can do this!

If this strikes a chord with you, you’ll love my free group Tired but Tenacious Mamas! Here’s the link:

Have a FANTASTIC day!


To My Kids

To My Kids
To my kids: you are far more capable than society would have you believe. Your thoughts and your insight are important.

Don’t fall into the trap of simply accepting everything you’re told. Be willing to ask questions, to find solutions to problems, to seek the truth, to bring to light issues that might make people uncomfortable.

Remember: textbooks and worksheets are not the end-all-be-all of your education. Learning is a lifestyle, an atmosphere. Fortify yourself with an education that follows truth, not the prescribed narrative.

You were created for an amazing, unique purpose. Never forget that. 🙏🏻