Just a few years ago, I was an overwhelmed and tired young mama trying to take care of my less-than-healthy family. We had 6 kids under 10 years old at the time, and our resources were at a bare minimum. I was doing my best to homeschool my kids but had zero energy for the job. I cried myself to sleep many nights, wondering how I would ever make it through the exhaustion and frustration. My hormones were a mess and my adrenals were shot. To put it lightly, I was a mess.
My background was in nutrition (I earned my BS in dietetics and spent 2 years in graduate school studying nutrition and interning to be a dietitian) but what I’d learned years before in school was not serving me at this point of my life. I was also quite frustrated with the incessant trendy health information that had no basis in tradition or wisdom.
I decided to dive into research of ancestral eating and natural remedies — which I never learned about in college, by the way — and finally began to uncover the answers I’d been desperately hoping for.
I slowly began implementing what I was learning, and to be honest I was amazed at the results. My anxiety and energy levels were improving. I was able to get through a day without a nap (or three!) A few years later, and we’re now healthier and happier than we’ve ever been! I finally feel empowered and confident as the caretaker of my family, and as a nutrition coach to hundreds of happy clients.
Now, I’m committed to helping other parents on their journey of reviving their health and caring for their families in a way that makes a lasting difference. We’re leaving a legacy of true healing and wellness!