Easy Recipe for Homemade Gummies

We make gummies or jello weekly at our house 😋

One, they’re delicious; and two, they’re fantastic for gut health!

Here’s my easy recipe:

(I use bovine gelatin powder from Perfect Supplements — code ABBYCHOU gets you 10% off!)

3 c juice or fruit puree
6 T gelatin powder
1-2 T honey (optional)
3-5 drops citrus vitality essential oil (optional)

Pour juice into a medium saucepan. Whisk in gelatin powder, one tablespoon at a time. Heat mixture until just below boil, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and add honey and citrus oil.

Pour into 8x8 or 9x9 dish. Refrigerate at least 3 hours. Cut into squares and serve. Store in refrigerator.


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